List of things for which I've recently jumped "on the wagon", in no apparent order:

1. Blogging - It's not what you think! Okay, yeah, it is. The thing is, as much as I thoroughly enjoy reading blogs belonging to my friends (Hartley, Adam [he actually stopped writing about a year ago, so it's really only Hartley]), I've never had anything interesting enough to write about in my own. I also cannot write as clever and as witty thoughts as my aforementioned friend(s). However, the facts remain that I always want to write down everything I do in Nicaragua so that I can remember it all when I get back, and each time I tell someone about my trip, more and more details seem to fall along the wayside. So, who knows if I'll ever use this as more than a Nicaragua-trip-blog; that remains to be seen. Moving down the list...
2. The Orlando Magic - As discussed with Jess P., this is not exactly accurate. I was a big Magic fan in the 90s (the last time they were this good), but since then I've not paid much attention to them, just like every other Florida citizen (except my brother-in-law, Jason). So, I'm back on the 'wagon... so what?
I could only think of two... I think by definition, one has to have three items to be considered a 'list'. Whoops!
I'm leaving for my trip to Nica on Thursday, June 4th, at 7:00am (no, I haven't yet told my parents how early they'll be driving me to the airport). This will be my 6th trip, and I am very much looking forward to the things I know to expect to happen, as well as all the new things God will put in my path. I'll keep you posted...
Que te diviertas mucho!!! Escribe todos los dias y buena suerte!!! Buen viaje amiga!
Have an awesome and safe trip Jackie Long Legs!
Hi Jackie:
That is awesome that you have a blog.Keep updating everything...My parents had a wonderful time in U.S and they have just left. I will be free this summer and maybe I could drive to your place when you come back.
I believe in Magic!!
But seriously, hope you have a safe trip there and the bus ride is not crazy awkward.
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