Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I Sometimes Forget How Nicaraguans Are Just Like Us

This is silly, but I always feel like the people here are so different from us. On the outside, they look differently, they dress differently, they lead their lives differently; but really, when it comes to family and how the heart works, they are just like us. Two cases in point:

1. I was eating lunch at Dina´s house, and she was showing me pictures of the families she lived with in the States. Meanwhile, her younger sister, Sara (18 yrs.), and younger brother, Duban (7 yrs.), were fighting over the remote like we do. Then their mom had to break it up and Duban ran to her like a little baby to get coddled.

2. My friends Liza and Freddy finally moved into their own home Sunday night. At church that afternoon, the band was singing quite a few songs (they sang about 50 total) about moms and their love for their children. I noticed that Liza´s mom was crying, and I realized it was probably because of the impending move. Then, after church, Karla and I went to their house to say hi (right next door), because Liza and Freddy hadn´t been at church since they were packing, and we walked in and saw Liza and her mom hugging, and sobbing. It was very sweet, and a little sad. Liza is 29 years old and had never lived away from her mom. The only times she´s even spent away from her are when she came to the States for a little over a week, and about three weeks ago when she went on a business trip to Panama alone. That´s it! She is only moving about three minutes away, too. It´s just so sad for her to leave her mama. It´s just like a kid leaving for college in the US.

1 comment:

jpalesh said...

I thought your Mom was mad at you when she dropped you off at college...lol!